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L’association ONSEMM
vendredi 29 avril 2005, par Sebastien
ONSEMM was created in 1999 and deals with the schooling of Ugandan children who have been orphaned, mostly as a result of AIDS.

Onsemm is a French non-profit making organization which grants funds to Banunule School, which is located in the suburbs of Kampala, the capital of Uganda. With more than 180 children (ranging from P1 to P7), Banunule school receives regular deposits from us which allow the daily functioning of the school.

Our aim is to raise money through different events such as concerts, auctions, etc.

Thanks to these regular sendings, our organization for instance helps the person in charge of the school financing fifteen permanent jobs dedicated to the children (nurse, teacher, etc).

You will find on this website several articles from the local newspaper and also some snapshots of our last trip to Uganda.

Thank you in advance for your help !


ONSEMM means : « Organisation Nord Sud pour les Enfants Malade dans le Monde » Translation : « North and South Organization for sick children in the world »

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du même auteur ... Sebastien